Weather Alert / Big Storm Coming This Way

The Bureau of Meteorology has reported that a severe cold front is headed towards Hollyhock Hill.
Thunderstorms with heavy rain is expected to arrive after dusk. It is recommended that everyone batten down their hatches and take shelter wherever possible.

The Lady in the big house has declared that anyone seeking shelter and bowls of hot nourishing vegetable broth followed by scones with jam and clotted cream, may do so in the cellar. Where comfy bunks with clean sheets and warm blankets have been prepared. The pot-bellied stove has been lit and is blazing nicely. 
Doors with be closed and locked by half past four or as soon and tea is finished with.

If anybody misses this deadline,
Mrs Hessie Mouse at Bramble Cottage has offered a spot in front of her roaring fire to see the night out with hot chocolate and pancakes for supper.

Reported by Jovi Woofley

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Anonymous said...

oooh La La I would like to sit in front of Mrs Hessie's roaring fire too and drink hot chocolate and eat pancakes. I'll be there about 6.30pm.

See you all then.

Anonymous said...

This is so cosy! A roaring fire on a cold day, what a bliss! would love to sit at bramble cottage myself, with a hot chocholate and a nice book!

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Sweet melodies to soothe your soul
you can play both together if you like

........Home Sweet Home.......


Jovi Woofley

Jovi Woofley
Award Winning Freelance Journalist

Dusty Barkalot

Dusty Barkalot
Security Guard Extraordinaire



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